Books after Elain x LI. Who will be the next main characters?
"it's just lust" is the weakest argument and doesn't validate you ship (long rant)
IN YOUR OPINION - Which ship is the most unrealistic
Nesta’s best friends are the main characters but Elain’s besties are just side characters + next books discussion
Convert me to your ship 🥤🍿
Craziest theories
ACOSF Bonus chapter
I want to know your best Eris of the Autumn court theories
What would make you stop reading the series?
I’m still confused about Gwynriel book or how it all can be canon
“But Cassian was all hot temper- temper that could be used to forge and weld. There was an icy rage in Azriel I had never been able to thaw."
Do you think SJM intended to start a ship war?
The main reason Gwynriel doesn’t make sense to me
Do you want smut in Azriel’s book? (if he gets his pov)
I do not believe
Elriel vs Gwynriel shipwar
A question for Eris fans
Какой самый смешной анекдот вы знаете?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Gwynriel is fanon and full of headcanons. You can’t convince me otherwise
how your ship will fit into the next book?
Can we all agree that based on azriel's BC his book will have the most spice?
Azris is also in Azriel’s BC
How much of a commitment is this series?
Azriel and his ships’ dynamics that just gives off they match/mates, like no one else does