Favorite Albums
Fellow gays, what are your top 3 favorite artists from your country???
What are your alls top 5 bands
Is it weird to feel I made a mistake?
Calling Bi's
Music suggestions?
what do you guys can recommend me to play ??
Whats your guys' gay awakenings
I’m bored so what are some games do you think will fix my boredom
What‘s the weirdest music genre you‘re listening too?
Update on my last post!
I’m coming out to my mom tomorrow!
Noise radio show looking for submissions and listeners
anyone read?
(After/Before) Did i overcook it?
What are yalls favourite movies???
this is your pov, what song are you playing
The incoming panic of being single and gay on Valentine’s Day
How tall is everyone here?
Hey, weird question, but do any of you have a cool fact about yourself you wish you could tell more people? If so, what is it?
In light of the tour announcement, if you had to pick 5 tracks you "Wish" to hear at your concert what would they be?
Are you guys an Energy drink gay or a Coffee/Tea gay? (Guess which one I am😼)
What is your The Cure “Deep Cut”? I’ll go first…