Is it important to remove oil residue before applying grease to the bolt of my rifle?
Plushtrap is complete!
Best fnaf history video?
This or any boombox style speaker?
Me? Addicted? Nah!
Threw my boombox3 into wet mud
Loudest affordable JBL
Who else has a rifle/carbine version of the scorpion? All i ever see here is pistols and sbrs.
Would putting a cold drink in front of your cars air conditioner keep it cool longer or warm it up faster?
What Lubricant/ cleaner do you use and why
What do i have to do to buy a handgun in md
What do you guys think about Sadulev being taken out of competition?
Will sumner
How much louder is a pb ultimate than a pb710?
Am I overreacting?
Hi-Viz 3D Printed Evo :)
Is lubricity always precisely correlated with wear protection?
Found a video of a guy reporting an OOBD blowout on his ghm9
My jbl collection.
Ive noticed clenzoil works better as a lubricant the day after i apply it.
What other pccs have OOBD issues?
My lil ghetto setup. Should I add the Partybox 1000 or ultimate?
Tikka T3X UPR or Sako S20 Hunter. Which to buy?
22lr comfy thread