Is it me or is Blaze the cat eternally confused
whats the first thing you see when you look at my painting
Would it be immoral to de spike a Lucario?
How do things like this even come to be?
I still dont get this subreddit
Idk I comment here a lot but I’m not memorable 👍
Hair time
Give me a pokemon idea and ill write a backstory for it
Why is incest not wrong?
To all the pedos on here
My first drawings when I began learning how to draw
Time to learn to draw women
What yall think of this fictional race I never finished
Honk snoo
What yall think of this fictional race I never finished?
How tall are you boiz?
Feedback for my angelic race that I never finished (arcanepunk/superhero fantasy)
Feedback for my angelic race that I never finished
So I was writing the description of a race within my world a whiles back I never finished it but should I?
Old character race lore I never finished what yall think?
Man ive got to stay up late today to make a debate case
Should I redraw this guy or draw another oc?
Who here does debate?