Is this a legit letter from IRS?
Does anyone know where this beach is located invite
worthless admin
Admins please ban
Cheater/Smurf . Please Ban
24 hours in cs talent. Darwin please ban for smurf or cheat.
24 hr in cs talent. Darwin please ban for cheats or smurf.
CBD isolat og CBD blomst. Medisinen uten psykoativitet.
Thanks for nothing
Since when can't you play faceit without prime?
Demonstration against the Afd in Berlin / Germany at this moment
Four failed practical driving tests (oppkjøring)
Name tag for this one?
Regjeringen skrøt av rekordfå kvoteflyktninger. Nå vil SV ta imot 25 ganger så mange.
Høyre og Frp er nå Norges to største partier. Det viser en fersk meningsmåling.
S1mple gives an update about his life and pro future
Etter 10 år i Telenor: Mine erfaringer
Koko matpriser - private samordnede innkjøpsordninger?
Kassad: Teams [at Skyesports Championship] have decided to stay and play the event, but with an ultimatum. In case of any more longer delays, everyone is pulling out and going home.
«Cannabis-lege» Aina Mumbi er delvis fratatt autorisasjon av Helsetilsynet – NRK Innlandet
CBD legal in Norway
What's the most cost-efficient way to bulk in Norway?