What do you guys wear to bed?
Do I roast it or use it to upgrade my weapons?
A kid got arrested and expelled at my school.
Spanish or vanish
How did you guys find out nirvana and how did you become a fan.
Your username dictates how you die. How are you dying?
This was the last game I played (I’m gonna end up like that fifth teenager)
What does my gear say about me?
Do you guys like alchohol?
Name a song that ur addicted to rn
What games are you playing currently?
I'm tired of shaving so often.
What now, guys? Did I win R6Siege?
Massive Win
Who was your favorite guitar player right now?
Are you happy with your current body/physique? Why/why not?
Can I use a sprig bow on the bees?
i wish i was deaf sometimes
What’s y’all’s music taste?
What’s the highest percentage spin on an alpha pack you’ve gotten without a hit?
What was your first Xbox that you owned?
if you could be an animal for a day what would u be
Who was "the weird kid" at your school and what did they do?
Is it normal to miss my girlfriend when I go to sleep at night, or is that a problem?