Who should I make at this workshop?
Wait who is this little guy?
She is so sad
My Uncle's Wife just gave me this can she go through TSA?
This is my son Christopher Anthony John Martin II, he was born yesterday. Tell him happy birthday or he will cry.
My last plush o/
I did a thing..
We showing our collections?
How many jellycats do you have
After Noah, Upper Street, Islington, London this afternoon
Why does my Paul have this silvery thing on his tag
I’m 26, never had the thought of buying one of these. Saw this guy at Costco and it was an impulse buy.
Shops in London
Green bear with yellow belly
The life of a couch-Gordon
Has anyone else gone from Squishmallows to Jellycats ?
Does the Rose Bouquet Scent Smell Good?
He stole my newest plushie :^(
Made a axolotl plush with glowing eyes
what’s the appeal of squishmallows??
How do you clean your Squishmallow without a washing machine and taking the stuffing out?
Can someone explain to me the appeal of Jellycat?
Jellycat haircut (or cloud defluffing?)
Collecting BBOM beanies
I'm obsessed with this little guy. He still needs a name though. Ideas?