I do modeling I've heard it all, give me your worst (new here)
Am I ugly? How old am?
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
am i ugly f18
This was a response to an instagram post about how to properly insert tampons 🫠 Dude things tampons are cheating.
Which color should I do? Or stick to dark blonde :)
Which color suits me best? 💖🙈
What color looks better? 1 or 2?
F/44 What do you think?
21F honesty please but don’t make me cry lol
Am I ugly ?
29M wondering if my looks are why I’m still single.
Is it weird to sleep on call together?
Long distance and pornography
23 days 18 hours and 37 minutes I will land…
Nevermets who started with texting only, when did you progress with communication types?
It's my first LDR and despite the distance, I have never felt this peace in my mind and heart!
My bf doesn’t want to wear a condom
Me and my ex wife after we separated after she admitted to faking terminal cancer
My best friend from my childhood, our last conversation(s) and what I sent too him since. Please take your mental health seriously and guys need to be more open.
Is this a red flag? Should I take this guy to the wedding?
Think I dodged a bullet with this one 👀 (note: broke up with ex >4 months ago)
I always have the worst luck with the men I’m genuinely attracted to and interested in but the men I’m not attracted to give me lots of attention. I don’t know what to do
I’m going to have to divorce my wife.