Help I can't stop saying "gods below"
Has the TV show led you to the books,
MBotF has helped me get over ASoIaF
I really liked gardens of the moon but
I hate Pormqual
House of Chains - Holy smokes, what a curve ball!
Next Book
what are everyone’s favorite & funniest moments?
Malazan tattoo idea
Imass / Neanderthal or early human similarities
How SE introduces him...
Would it be possible in universe to become a D'ivers dragon?
My Icarium painting
It's good to be back on wetlanderhumor, guys.
The Amazon series is fan fiction…..
Do something! i know you are evil!
Is it just me..
Where does it begin?
Should I read "Gardens of the moon" or listen to it as an audiobook?
K'rul's bar
Where and when does it begin?
Are there any rules for interspecies relationships/ability to produce offspring in the Malazan world?
Kharkanas audiobook
Whiskeyjack by Jason Dement