What's one stereotype about your type that you want to debunk / clear up the most? Or what's a characteristic / trait about your type that isn't well-known / stereotypical that you'd like to bring up?
Second small poem
Another poem, I love feed-back and point of views, let me know what it make you feel
Can you relate
Do you ever cry about being an INFP?
Does it feel relatable to you as well, or is it me?
Life is the most complex prison of death
What makes you happy?
A healthy INFP is a master of his emotions
I love the world I made in my mind
Hi ENFJs ! I am a INFP 🙂
Is rocket raccoon meta ?
How big is/was your high school friend group? And if you want, what were their MBTIs?
INFP who writes can you relate
Whats the worst feeling in the world?
About INFP
What is a book everyone should read?
How do you want to die?
What is the thing you find most attractive about a person?
What do you think about it
What is your motto?
How do narcissists react when their manipulation no longer works on you?
Have you ever had eye contact with someone, and it feels you both know theres a mutual feeling going on?
Is it possible to be INFP and Stoic?
I'm FiNe :')