[TDM] The Sibsig Ceremony
[TDM] Dracogenesis
Estate sale find!!!
After 7months~ of his release, how did Flubs the fool perform in general?
Zombies, Dragons, Elves, Demons, Humans, Angels, Vampires, oh my! What tribal decks are you fine folks playing in Historic Brawl?
Accidently infinites
Normal eigentlich oder?
I'm going to show you a series of images, and I'd like you to tell me how they make you feel.
How are you carrying your decks?
Your decks that don’t broadcast what your Game Plan is
Looks like a fun deck to build around.
What deck do you start with in new groups?
Leichenschmaus Ja oder Nein?
Cards like Conjurer's Closet?
Kennt jemand eine Seriöse Dating Seite wo man gezielt ältere Frauen (ca. 30-45) finden kann?
Looking for high power cheap commanders to build (not in top 100)
Leberwurst noch verzehrbar?
First public pod one guy played solitaire for 2h
Kippe und so nochmal
Do you think sideboards would make commander a better format?
You just hit 9 mana and have a Tooth and Nail in Hand
The way I SPRINTED to this subreddit to post this
Why not?
Can anyone identify the combo in this deck?