Pizza scooter delivery guy eating on the job!
Date ideas for a girl taking out a guy
How do you feel when you meet a woman and she posts memes romanticizing mental illnesses or toxic behavior?
Absolutely miss this sign and still think of the dingy 70s paint sceme, too.
out of all the social media apps, which one would you delete and why?
Honestly boys, I’m a bit sad I never got to experience the old DSS bombardment, even if it was annoying it sounds like it was so funny
What's hurting you at the moment?
I play HD2 alongside three other co-op shooters and I feel the lack of a "cheer" option so hard here
Jehovahs witnesses
Is it worth the risk to mod Helldivers?
Vote with your $
Glad I saw this. Vote with your $
What is your dream update?
Straight men, how often do you use the F slur?
The Talon is close, but I would like this. Med pen sniper pistol with scope and high recoil. Yes?
What do you prefer in a women? Heels or sneakers
Men of reddit. What are signs you see in women that show "low confidence?"
Playing without double jump has dramatically increased my enjoyment
This ad on Craigslist is the funniest best thing I’ve seen probably all month!
Why are we still missing armour?
Team Talon or team Senator?
Is there something going to happen to the guy or is this it?
Where's the damn platinum chip
Netrunner addict with 1000+ hours, finally giving strength/melee build a chance and goddamn she is FUN
This MO was designed to teach us defense gambits, but instead I hope it's AH that learned something. (The Galactic War isn't working)
Take 2 on my terrarium I posted yesterday, thoughts?