Closest election I'd ever gotten (Fallout 2076)
Driving is my passion
First time parking, how did I do?
It Can't Get Worse than This: the confederacy is still losing
What if Algeria was Rhodesiad?
The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
"The Darkest Hour" - The World, circa 2094
The prelude to WW3: The Transnistrian Crisis (2039-2040)
"Visit France!" - A french travel poster about New Years 2200 - Nature's Deathbed TL
Mankind's Cradle - Africa as of 2094 (Nature's DeathBed TL)
Global Democracy Index (2094) - Nature's Deathbed TL
Libyan counterattack to terrorism, also known as "Operation Saharan Eagle"
The Partition of Belgium - The belgian situation as of october 2066
The status of the 2nd Georgian War, as of may 2094
The situation of the Eurasian Union State, as of 2092 - "The Sick Man of Eurasia"
The Sick Man of Eurasia - The situation of the Eurasian Union State as of 2092
The world's stance on the 2nd Georgian War, as of may 2094
Which flag should I paint next…?
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Anti Anti-Blur War
when did u start playing minecraft?
My attempt at a slanted building style, what do you guys think?
Found him
The East African War - "2nd African World War" (V2)
“All for nothing at all” .The two great powers of Europe after the Great flood of 1964