Tessa AU where she transfered her consciousness into a custom made Drone body
Guys, the banner changed again?
Since I weirdly haven't touched my favorite series yet, matchup ranking for The Second Coming / Orange of Animator vs Animation! Send me matchups (with connections) and I'll rank them
don't know if this is a hot take or not but I'd love if this show just ended on a straight up HORRIBLE ending. not horrible as in the ending sucks but a horrible ending for the characters I mean. I think it'd be a pretty bold move to not have a happy "we did it! lets go home!" ending.
Had a dream that Vivsiepop ruined her reputation by "recoloring" V from Murder Drones (changing pink to purple) and claiming her as a self-insert.
Earth’s forces from the Half Life series are assisted by the TF2 Mercs, Chell, and the entire arsenal of Aperture Science whilst assisted by GLaDOS. How much can “The Orange Box Army” alter the outcome of The 7 Hour War?
Why did they have tournament of power to have a whooping 70 CHARACTERS if most of em will be absolutely forgettable, are they stupid?
The kind of DPs season pass characters deserve
Guys I think I figured out how this happened (DAIMA EPISODE 12 SPOILERS)
ranking the cast based on how much potential they have for the game.
Why is Vegeta not the CUP???
without a doubt the worst character in the game
I just realised what Metal Sonic was trying to do here
Do you guys think we need more female characters? I definetely do and here are some good options =)
Calling it... this is our current Season Pass
Did anyone else notice the watchtime bar turned pink? And it’s not just very right hand side either, the longer the video plays, the EXPONENTIALLY bigger the pink part becomes
Taipion has 2 ults
Custom Battle NPCs
It’s official; The Krabby Patty secret formula has been revealed through Wendy’s
someone datamined the game and apparently all of the characters in red were planned to be in the base game or planned to be future DLC. Zeno would be ridiculous but I'd be down for him as long he's not playable in online lol
why did they decide against it :(
Difference for Goku's first super saiyan transformation is crazy
A question whilst i'm waiting for the game to download; what DOES the technique settings button do?
Fun fact; Chi Chi’s Z and Super models appear to be different (aside from just the hair and clothes)