Egy Fideszes Élete
A 136 hazaáruló
What’s the most underrated Nick Cave song in your opinion and why? For me, there's a lot of underrated Nick Cave songs, depending on which era of his music you’re looking at BUT if I had to pick one, I’d go with “Far From Me” from The Boatman’s Call
Well it’s been a good run
$100M Political Favor!!!
Massive Anti-Government protest in Hungary
Ekkora tömeg lehetett a mai két politikai eseményen körülbelül
Tisza népszavazás: Nemzet Hangja
Üdv a tömegből
Gulyáságyú: Egy órával a rendezvény előtt...
Ez magáért beszél
Isotretinoin is a safe medication; the real issue lies with doctors who do not adequately monitor its usage
He... is that thick
Nézőpont: Fidesz 37 - Tisza 25 teljes népesség
Elon's Grok goes woke in Twitter thread 👀
I can't believe a president would promote a car! I'm seething!
A magyarok többsége a Pride betiltását és a nemek alaptörvénybe foglalását sem támogatja, mégis erre készül az Orbán-kormány
Medián 2025 március: Tisza 46, Fidesz 37
Rejtett módosítás az Alaptörvényben: akár kisebbségi kormányként is fenntarthatja a Fidesz a veszélyhelyzetet és a rendeleti kormányzást
What do my 10 favorite musicians tell you about me?
Bipartisan bill in the US House calls for Turkiye to be categorized as a Middle Eastern country, rather than an European country
I find it difficult to see Putin as trustworthy when he is so devoid of morals that he cluster combs cities
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Month 5, still not clear
If you are windering why Shapiro wants the president to pardon George Floyd's murderer, they are distracting you from the $4.5 TRILLION tax cut to the rich. Keep yappin about culture war yall🙏