Me when I buy 3 napalm F-111s to stop the KDA zero rush.
What countries are in the game atm?
Pact AA help
How it feels bombing my own men in a forest when the enemy is right on top of me (I saved the match)
Why do I always forget about helicopters?
Where did Eugen get the info about the Topas 2 JOD?
Highway 66 - Fulda Gap
Grads go brrrrrrrrrr
Any else watch replays after each match?
A quick question about 9th Infantry's new arty shells.
How do I keep my armour from vanishing instantaneously
Help with a pair of feral cats
10v10 PACT scrub reporting, what do you guys upvet?
Stfu lady it's 1989
What’s use case for the M728 CEV?
Rambling about an alternate universe fever dream F2P WARNO AKA WARNO: Clash of Generals
PACT mains have it way easier and need to stop complaining about literally nothing
Flamethrowers defence
Every PactBro knows has been here
Pact has fallen, NATO will now walk into Moscow
Even when firing against infantry, the AMX-30 B2 Brenus main gun will use the “red” anti-tank shell, instead of the appropriate “white” explosive one. This is unacceptable and must be fixed asap.
Sometimes I think NATO air needs to go and read a Buk