batman / the moon. is there a better duo?
this anime will forever make me cry
OH, Superman fans Hate BATMAN?
Still one of the most jawdropping moments in all of anime
Why do you think Batman's most of the time shown with the rain pouring down on him?
This would be the perfect Batfamily in MY opinion
The legend Kevin Conroy's final performance as Batman
Batman Forever is my favorite Batman Movie of all time. Full Stop.
It's always intriguing to me how Batman smiling is far more intimidating to his foes than him being serious
Female authors recommendation
The Hungarian kingdom under the Hunyadi dynasty (in Hungarian)
Where do I start?
I love sharing the word of God with people it’s so satisfying
Need recommendations!
This is the year for all the classics I missed. Started Middlemarch and it’s so deeply beautiful; the flow and slow burn as Dodo reflects in awe of Mr. C.
Season 2 not as good as season 1?
Do you think that raising children in very religious and religion-centered households is indoctrination?
why do right national evangelicals think more about gaysex then i do?
I have no ennemies
In the end, what was thorfinn and askeladd's relationship ?
I wanna know what you guys think
What are some basic bitch classics?
Is your country richer or poorer than Bulgaria, the poorest country in the EU? (GDP PPP per capita)
Investigate my slowly growing collection.
Who here also started reading in the 2000s?