Does this pass for an Ogryn proxy?
Finished another unit in my Flood Tyranids. Psychophage from a Leman Russ
2x complete 4x WIP
TIFU and bought terrain for ants.
First 1000 points of Guard painted. What do we think?
ZL-631 Amphibious All-Terrain Armored Vehicle
Trying to go for a bright blade but not your standard blue. Does it work?
Higher Quality Video of my Shadowsword
Shadowsword ready to light up some Heretics
Erebus, by me
Asun'ghar lady of ash
Rate my 1k point army list
Duty Forever
In anticipation of the new ash nomad box, here's Asun'ghar: The lady of ash
Custom Primaris Psyker
Kasrkin-Scion Command Squad
Is deathwatch good
Uniform question for the officer bros: under what circumstances do you gentlemen and ladies wear the Sam Browne without also wearing the Mameluke sword? 🗡️ I thought the cloth belt with the M buckle was the go to when not “under arms.”
Ok i hope this doesn’t get people really mad at me. But I thought it would be fun to try to make miniatures out of hot glue. Here are my results
Officer Training School: Command Squad + Ogryn Bodyguard
Can we get a buff for the Laspistol?
Wasteland Junker roams the scrapyards
15 Minute Scions
Wasteland Raider Corps: Recon Squad
Cannons to the right of them, cannons to the left of them....finished my Cadian Rough Riders!