I live in California because I'm ___.
people of reddit when they’re low on karma:
Finally 25k trohpies
He he o right no "spam posts "
What mastery title would you change?
What games do you think I play, based off my avatar?
I reworked Brawler classes
choose your waifu
Is there something wrong with me?
This skin is NOT worth 299 gems
how do i watch local live tv channels?
Which do I pick? I like both equally.
okay.. i see what’s going on
Do you guys also shower with socks on?
A few weeks its been in ranked. Your opinion?
I'm the second one, btw
What's the best slice?
does Reddit think I'm gay what is ts 😭🥀🥀🥀
he’s a good brawler aswell
What was your 1st 1k
Bloody hell! My boner is the size of a ________
can we fucking stop with all this talking about suicide shit
Ranked Randoms
Recently took this pic while riding, lmk if it looks ok or no
Are the teenagers this sensitive?