Chat is this good?
Cuál es su Cacao en polvo favorito?
Breeding base
Petition to a modder
Unpopular opinion: Most diamonds don’t deserve it
Scythe Nerfs
Name A Mega Man Game That's Like This.
Stop the scythe propaganda
What's a feature that you think, if added would improve the game?
His first round after watching a movement guide
Is this bs or skill issue
Can someone please explain in general what I am supposed to do here? I obviously missed some stuff but I dodged basically every attack and still got hit cause axe hitboxes?
My girlfriend is better at this game than me
Brawllhala Destiny 2 Crossover coming March 26
How do I fix this? It’s only on ranked so I assume it’s battle eye.
You think I’m ready to hit diamond yet? (I’m the wu Shang)
A pixel art Terraria globe. ( can you find all NPC's and bosses? )
weapon throws continue to be my friends :> (im the rayman)
A alguien más le molesta que Estados Unidos intente hacerse llamar “América” incluso en países hispano hablantes?
Un nombre muy creativo? nunca antes escuchado para mí hermoso gatito
What have you named your worlds?
George Harris, el nuevo Chris Rock