I don’t like ISTP’s
There is no way she will perform NOMTW live. She couldn’t even do a 8 shows a week. She can’t even use proper operatic technique either😬
Ik my nose is off but wondering what I score
Do we like peeing?
Ariana's jealousy towards Victoria Justice
She looked so happy back then
My version of Glinda
Roasted by chatgpt
any ari fans that lurk on here?
What Kind of Gift do you like?
How to determine the dominant cognitive function of a type just by looking at the first and last letters
Losing interest in anime and games so recommend me some other type of drug since I hate living in reality.
Glinda has been stained because of Ariana
So her fans are aware she wants to be smaller?
Ok as an intp evidently we aren’t supposed to get along so bring up a topic that you feel passionate enough to argue with someone about please
Hello!! ENFP or ENTP??
Some entps are actually so cringy oh my gosh
...How's everyone's weight?
I tried to draw Hilda
When your crush wants you to spend his birthday with him. Vanilla cake, raspberry jam filling. Decorated in whipped cream frosting.
(M21) i’m bored so let’s be honest
Do you have friends?