The $50 million payout a delivery driver just got from Starbucks was totally deserved
Aspire refuses to turn on A/C in Spring
Favorite way to eat left over steak?
If lebron was 7 years younger (2018 lebron) would the lakers be title favorites even without a center? Or would Celtics /okc/cavs be a tier above still?
Of the last 20 years, how many individual playoff runs would say was better than Kawhi’s 2019 playoff run?
ISO a specific pen I can’t remember the name of
Brunson vs Kyrie. Who are you taking?
What is the likelihood of each of these guys making the Hall of Fame?
New Civic SI Alternative?
Kids these days.
Does Anthony Davis not exist?
Does anyone else think that this is the perfect starting lineup?
Who is on your all-time “If they hadn’t gotten injured” team?
Top 60 HOF probability of active players
An odjective definitive Kanye albims tier list
Does university choice matter?
2013-14 Grizzlies vs 2017-18 Pelicans. Fully healthy, 7 game series. Who takes it?
Should I take Python or C++ class as my first programming course?
How competitive are AIFS Abroad Internship Programs?
Start, Cut, Bench (prime + healthy)
Better than their resume. Worse than their resume.
Where can I work until dining courts open?
What are Kanye's most underrated albums? I'll start.
Candles/incense in dorms/URBA?