Who should I play (not duelists)
Just had the best game of my life
Which heroes rarely (if never) feel unfair?
What agent would be nerfed the most if their signature ability recharged off of kills instead of time like duelists?
How old am based off my screen
What unique way would you wear your headband?
Selfship art lol
How many of you guys workout?
Fix the surfing problem.
is bro into me or not ??
Im probably just going to end myself tomorrow so this might be the last post you'll see from me
What’s your go to heartbreak song?
Ask me anything (I know nothing)
What do you think is the most underrated gun skin?
Any tips for my hive?
what if we started using “trump” as a personality trait?
this happens only and only if i had the best loot
Who wins dark spine sonic or full power cyber sonic
what does GenAlpha think this is?
Yoru mains help!
Need someone to tuck you in? ;)
What lore do powerscalers conveniently forget when scaling their favorite verses?
Any tips on how to improve at the game?
How many of these shows did yall grow up watching
A little update on how my journey learning Lucio is going!