Do you ever look at someone and think “Wow… what a goofy fuck”?
What would an AI generated video for the music video “Korn- Right Now” be like?
The U.S. is a fucking dump. I’m sure several countries in Europe are better.
What kind of god sends you to hell and won’t even cage match with you first?
I think it’s lame that God will send me to hell and not even box me first. I bet I could kick his ass.
Is Sons of Anarchy gay?
I’m pretty goddamn certain my kidneys are fucked. I’m 33 and was born with spina bifida. I’ve been really stupid for the past few years because I’m lazy or extremely depressed. So I don’t meal prep for work and only eat fast food and I’ve drank way more energy drinks than I should.
The U.S.'s hospital bed shortage is in danger of reaching a 'critical threshold'
I’ll never forget how my dad bullied me about being skinny when I have spina bifida. That goddamn son of a bitch.
Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on here?
I read that homemade fruit gummies made with whole fruit and agar agar can’t replace whole fruits by themselves. Why?
As above, so below sounds like a nice idea. “What is within me is in front of me. As I believe the world to be, so it is.” It makes you feel like you’re in control. The problem with that is that reality doesn’t go away when you stop believing in it.
Have we figured out what happens when we die, yet? Is that even possible? Is there a heaven full of redundant copies of the same people? Is there someone up there who would call me an imposter?
I want to achieve my goal of being a bodybuilder, but all I can think of is this GFR blood test that they scheduled a month out. I’m worried I destroyed my kidneys after years of eating highly processed things even though there’s kind of not really any signs of kidney disease yet.
Can I blend vegetables like celery in a food processor and heat them with agar agar over a stove and make gummies out of them and get my vegetable intake for the day?
So basically every job destroys you either physically or mentally you just have to choose which?
If we ever became a type III civilization, I have no doubt that we would blow up a neighboring galaxy.
I’m on the phone, can’t you see that? Jesus… No, it’s just some idiot. Now, tell Jan if the merger doesn’t go through we’re all fucked, you got it?
Why is there a fucking million forms of magnesium?
Please get health advice from your doctor, not youtube.
Should I be flossing every day?
Sustainable restaurants. Restaurants that grow crops in a farm right outside and grows meat in bioreactors (when that becomes cheaper).
About the first transmission you come to (the first area after the brain scan in Toronto), why did they seal the doors before they left?
What kind of name is Vercingetorix?
"Science confirms the existence of Adam and Eve"