My microwave says "Good" when it's done
Favorite Females?
A quick summary of yesterday's episode.
Which dragon should i draw?
How did u get into Wings of Fire?
I find it comforting that we all lost 4 hours of our lives as a community
I was looking and didn't see it here so here it is for those looking
What is yall hardest rdr2 screenshot?
That’s quite a range
More books?
Drewone of my OC's in a forest
What is this from
Found while hiking with my dog
Bought my first self-earned car at 23!❤️
Worth to drive 4 hours to buy?
Suprise! You have slept with the main character of the last tv show you watched. How (un)happy are you?
egg exploded randomly
Found a $500 gold bar in a lock box in a burned out sheriff office
Who is this??
Is this enough space for have a Xbox Series S without overheat ?
Think Hopsin might be on here?
This is my Arthur. There are many like it but this one is mine.
You, sir, are a fish!