Out of sheer curiosity, what was the weirdest fanfic y'all ever read?
Danke Frauen 💔 🥀😔🚬
So which one is scarier? Lol
You forgot a bit there.
This is not normal (sorry for the frequent reuploads)
it's always this two
Uhhhh, have you looked into that
there's so many fandoms this could apply to
I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
Mir fällt hierzu nicht mal ein Titel ein
Who’s worse and who would you rather have rule the country you live in round 2
Er nahm lieber 25 als das!
Practice 💀
Have you ever met any Germans who wants to move back to former German lands that are now within the modern Polish state?
Alternate reality where Krell isn't a traitor
Persönliche Erfahrung.Hoffe bei euch war es anders.
Germans, What are your hot takes on Beer?
Socialism is doomed to fail
If you were replaced as one of the Cardinal Heroes, which weapon and strategy would you do? And IRL what really would you actually do if you are summoned in the anime?
Wenn gesprecht 🚬
It’s enough to make a grown man cry
Ich bin 14 und ich bin deutsch
Day-1, top comment decides what happens next
Küss mich nochmal
How big do you think is the Empire's population?