Did any rioter talk about why Statik and kraken can't have crit ?
Advice for dealing with inting supports
Can anyone give me any advice on this part on EoL? I keep dying here and dont know what to change. (Im just using Zenith to get to phase 2 but trying not to use to kill)
How do you play against that stupid frog when hes support
Guess what this is
switching roles to climb low elo
I’m not good at league, and because of that its not really fun to me
Isn't this proof of poor game design?
Do you need Alacrity to reach AS cap?
g sound in varg helg and älg etc
Realising how op parry is
ELI5: Can you help me understand the phrase 'not mutually exclusive'?
Name a character you strongly headcanon as FTM!
Tell me who you main and I'll roast you
can someone give me tips on beating maypul as ranno?
“First, the reckoning. Then, the fall.”
Why is it "your being" here? Shouldn't it be "you being"? Is this a mistake?
What makes a champion scale well?
Elite seems to be designed to create the worst matches possible
In response to the ad main on the support sub
So, how do we get marksmen out of solo lanes and back into bot?
Are any of you guys trans or have trans coworkers, if so has it caused any problems?
What makes shiv so good on ADCs?
Simple Questions & Champion/Role advice: Patch 14.15
Bronze IV player here, what do you do when a melee sup just walks at you level 1