Suggest a name for him
Confused about my engagement lehnga
What is that life changing cosmetic surgery which you absolutely don’t regret?
Do straight women watch male gay porn?
What’s something that’s seen as perfectly normal but is really disturbing?
What do you think the most unpleasant sound is?
Did anyone go against Kundali match?
Do you feel suffocated?
What scares you the most about Marriage?
Suggest me a TV show based on my top 4 of all time.
TV shows that are light/don't take much thinking to watch but still super enjoyable?
What shows or movies would I like based on this list?
Who’s a famously “unattractive” actor or actress you find irresistibly hot, and why?
What's your personal mantra?
How to get noticed by girls?
Looking for good shows to watched stoned/high
How do you stop feeling jealous of folks moving/settling in the US when our quality of life is declining in India?
I need a good show
What does a vaginal orgasm feel like?
Sub reccs for this kinda side profile!!!
Which is the best cancelled show you've watched?
If you could have a secret room in your house with anything inside, what would you fill it with?
Is the flip 6 worth getting?
what's you samsung phone