Vivillon Collector Medal - 2 Left!
Vivillion Collector Medal
New Movement System BTW
what am i doing wrong builds in red are full greenhouse effect and blue are 0
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
So… 19 Mewtwo’s later and finally got my shiny bro
Remote Raid Megathread - Find friends fast for raiding here
Game design or bug?
Is console just an actual joke?
WEATHERBOOSTED yveltal on me 8712 7914 1791
Bug with rank progression challenge
[MOD APPROVED] [Giveaway-PS4] 500 V Bucks and Neo Versa Skin/Bling
I guess we’re making progress (this is original content I captured in-game Mods)
Nobody asked for Frostnite to be procedurally generated.
Epic has to decide which side he's on: Home base heroes or husks
Dont need nerfs in pve game
Should I reset my gas trap
I am the trap tunnel. -Paleo Luna
Energy reduction is literally useless
New troop [news]
You should keep trash schematics more than the OP ones
What hours have the most people fighting the Mythic Storm King in public lobbies?
Dungeons are horrible to navigate.