This game was really hard for me to climb in gold until I picked up Volibear and got Rank 1 World, why do people struggle with climbing on this champion? It's so broken and braindead
So.... am i the only one that is finding more success with volibear top lane than jungle recently?
current state of volibear top is seriously bad
** VS A PRO ** Guys, I think I might have found a new op Volibear build
good stuff riot games!
I lost the game but at least i annoyed them a little :(
I present to you: Mystic Punch + Navori on-hit Arena Voli
4/6 pentakill in an even game (2v5) (how)
What is Voli's role late game?
Why I love Volibear #1
To all Europeans siding with Vance on freedom of speech, does this look like freedom of speech to you?
Why is Voli wr so low
As much as id like to yap about how we lost this... look at this build (desc)
Classic Volibear Cycle. Buff, revert and nerf.
CRAZY volibear pentakill (1v9)
Seeking advice for voli top, many questions below
Build Questions
Flickerblade first item?
New build I have been testing out.
Garen Match-Up
Voli level 4 dive
Canceling the E hand raise animation and QW animation cancel
they're not serious
Hextech chests