Older men, how can I show you I'm really interested in you?
Do you think autistic people are less sensitive to age gaps in dating or friendship?
Can Someone Name This Piece?
Are there really older people that draw interest from 18-25 year olds in this sub or are they just lying?
How do I meet older men who are scholarly?
I’ve been to all 48 contiguous states. Here’s my opinion.
Age gaps are just a preference. Its no different than liking tall, short, slim, thick, blonde, brunette, etc.
If you prefer older/younger, don't hide it, just rock it.
It’s just karate bro 😭💀. This show is so goofy.
"it's autistic people" "no! Is people with autism!" Why no let people on the Spectrum decide how they want to be called?
Simpsons Reference
This might work
Why Does my mom make so many dumb assumptions?
Say something good about Cartman (as a person not a character)
Christmas Song
Facebook outage
Why not any double dates?
On season 2 and there's a few things that bug me
Lots of fun
It’s that time of year again…
I don't want to call myself a christian
Developing My Tastes
Official Discussion - Red One [SPOILERS]