Super Ass Bros: Round 4: Cheeksqueak, Nozomi, E. Honda, and Jade join the roster! For this round, choose male characters! (Ground pound moves count)
Super Ass Bros: Round 3: Peach, Daisy, and Victor join the battle! For this round, pick a character from a Japanese franchise (Maybe Dragon Quest?) but after that, pick whatever.
Need help in DS1, I am not sure how to remove the fog in Demon’s Den and I have nowhere else to go, any advice?
Super Ass Bros: Round 2: Wario, Bridget, Twerkey, Fanny, and R. Mika start off the roster. For this round, choose fighting game characters!
Super Ass Bros: Round 1: a Fighting game of characters who use rear end attacks (I think I’m out of ideas)
Tell me your favourite ships and I'll make them with stickers!
Malevolent Melee (Day 7)
Movies that pissed off entire countries
Danganronpa vs Marvel: Part 5
You know the drill. Based or Cringe?
What do you guys think about A.B.A’s theme “Symphony”??
Favorite character that you just can’t support the creator ?
What unpopular ship opinion do you have?
How Do You Think The Cloti Stans Would Feel If THIS Were Reality?
Bad Phrasing?
DreamWorks Battle Royale
Ain’t no way, complete stupidity
MARVEL VS DC DLC FINAL DAY! Bane and Black Cat join the fight! Today we once again have ANYTHING as the theme. Include a skin. Tomorrow are PREMIER SKINS! READ THE RULES!
Clerith VS Cloti: Your Preference
Give me a game that fits this
Smash Bros Trip to Japan
Am I tripping or is the game actually not that hard to get into?