A Challenge for Creationists: Can you describe the basics of evolution from the viewpoint of an "evolutionist"?
People who do this in waiting rooms, why?
Why is it that most Christians accept evolution with a small minority of deniers while all Atheists seem to accept evolution with little to no notable exceptions? If there is such a thing as an Atheist who doesn’t believe in evolution then why do we virtually never see them in comparison?
Bill nye admits evolution is not proven to ken ham.
If you had all memory of the conclusions of science (and creationism) wiped from your mind, what do you think you'd conclude if given all the data, and why?...
Why wouldn't you?
Mother goes to give her baby a drink but instead gives it to her friend.
New to create, here is my cobble farm. No tutorials, just used the ponder menus.
Hello creationists! Could you please explain how we can detect and measure generic "information"?
What’s your username in gpt art ? This is me.
Do people generally truly understand other people have feelings?
Profile tips, my likes just aren’t Happening
Moderator is a crybaby
Mmm guys is this something that has hallen to you?
Now i know damn well these things used to be longer
"Escapism is bad" have you considered that existence is genuinely torture
What’s your stim?
y'all like the new chain I got
What is something you feel like you learned early on as a kid that NTs your age somehow didn’t?
This puppy is giving its all to help its owner.
I need some help! What should I build here?
"Evolution: The Biggest Lie You’ve Been Told? "
Do I read or skip “that” chapter in Kaiju Battlefield Surgeon?