Veteran player wants to do a run through. Want to play with all levels.
Looking for someone to play with
Need Advice
I got a 1410, and now my parents hate me.
im going to lose my mind
How do we go about solving problems?
Somewhat New to Facebook Ads
First shop blueprint+ Ankh Ghost Deck
Why do liberals seem to hate conservatives so deeply?
Do hypocrites in the Church draw you away from God/Theism, or is it the belief that there is no God in totality?
Help out a beginner
What is the term similar to "sublimate" but doesn't necessarily mean a positive outcome?
What is the term for negative sublimation? I.E taking a negative feeling and turning it into something socially acceptable, but not positive?
Solar in Freetown
You know leveling up in this game takes too long when you have to use an auto clicker
I think we all need a little positivity. Conservatives, what’s one good thing you can say about liberals?
Shoegorath's Gauntlet Leaderboards
My New Dagger character
Intermediate Guide
I think she’ll make a pretty grand Queen. 😍
Worth buying or pass?
Why is Abortion a #1 voting issue (especially for democrats)? And why is Nationalism viewed as a pejorative?
How high is it worth upgrading gear? At what point is it just a waste?
Today I learned 2 things!