My Pyrenees Pointer Mix Pepper
What is your last saved image?
Mormons in the future will wonder what this strange relic was used for
I just lost my big bear of 14 years and heartbroken. Send me your goofyest pyr pics to distract me
Airport Cinemas closed for a week… does anyone know why it’s going to be closed for a week starting Thursday?
I just want to say I love these new icons they've been using lately in Jaffa Factory and Dawnlight (drawn by Nina I believe, but correct me if I'm wrong). They feel very reminiscent of the old ones they used to use back in the day
Is a Line 6 Pod 2.0 Worth it?
Soooo national popcorn day?
I just upgraded the pickups and trem system on my strat!
Name a non American film you consider a masterpiece
What games do you all play?
I want more of him in DAV
California bracing for extreme rainfall. Here’s why this atmospheric river will be different
Show me your pretty characters in "ugly characters only game"
Stylist portrait
Forget boy or girl dinner. this is enby dinner
How's everyone doing?
Epic. Just epic.
Best concert ever. If you have the means to go don't hesitate.
This irks me.
Just swapped the bridge and middle Tex-Mex p-ups in my Strat for Fender noiseless and the tone difference is massive.
Why did the LDB say this?