Here's a few of my favorite ambient & new age albums on cassette from my collection!
Can we please get a bit more gaming?
Replacement springs for Unicomp keyboard
My Freetel Retro 2 arrived in Canada!
Jazzing it up at work
Morning glory…
I picked up some NOS Japanese 12AX7 tubes.
Does this feel like a good way to listen to music while using your day-to-day vehicle?
Throwback to 13 years ago(!) when I first started with Hackintoshing. 2012 was a heck of a year.
It is very difficult to distinguish right from left these days. Did I make it right?
Whoever tells you what’s happening now is different from last time
Never used an Apple product, let alone macbooks.
I am so confused (Pokemon Crystal new day care glitch?)
No more false advertising
My vinyl has slowly expanded to a third shelf. I need to purge.
What’s your favourite music streaming app?
Another poor DMG saved today.
Now they are patriots??
I picked this up today. 50 years old and it’s still an absolute gem
Any fans of Trees Speak?
Community Playlist Submissions Are Open!!!
Mail call at work! No, I don’t work in an airport.
Swinsian > iTunes