Some GME/AMC perspective since MSM thinks we'll all be broke
They still do, but I'm not f*cking leaving!
Adam Aron during today's Fox interview
This has been a worldwide united front and I'm proud of all you beautiful apes.
Is this fixable?
Is this AI Bench Program good for me?
Honesty from a shill
PredatorSense Not Working
Guy ddosed the server to "save his loot"
What’s your best way to combat scared players that hide under the map?
Adam Aron on X
Solo - "I wanna see you die, cause you ran your mouth" (OSS squads bring out the worst in me)
Santa shot dead and robbed by a pre-made 4 man on Christmas day
Any advice or help completing this?
Solo - Ever see a hacker admit to cheating and STILL talk trash?
CoD/Warzone Direct X crashing.
You Got Killed, Pled Out, Now You Want You Want Your Weapons Back?
Anyone ever have this glitch happen to them where the game just stops rendering completely?
Using a pistol and an exploding car, I rescued my dead team. (1v3 Clutch Squad Wipe)
Helios 18 4090 mini review
Heating issues
-18% in 5 minutes
hackusations thrown around when i hit this guy from miles away
You think the shotguns will get nerfed in the next update?
Can you even imagine?