All right y'all, who's in the basement and who's on the porch?
AppleCare+... To renew or to not renew
Is Fuzzball still a thing?
After 3 long years, my 800 block megabase is complete!
Pics from the Arch last night
What is the first movie that pops into your head when you see Oscar Isaac?
If West Virginia were a car, what would it be?
What is it?
What movie fits this for you?
Any Tool fans out there?
Bars/Breweries that let you bring food in?
Wrong answers only
Gold Dispensing Water Fountain
I used 20 cents too much electricity
Whats the name of your survival world?
Could you ever draw anything w these?
28000 year old discovered stone
Top comment removes a state. Day 4
Protecting my valuables.
What is the first film that pops into your head when you see Robert De Niro?
What's his job? Wrong answers only
Trade tariffs
Top comment removes a state. Day 3
Top comment removes a state. Day 2
I have been preparing for so long, for what.?