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New racism dropped
Drop your favorite actor to portray Miles Morales in live action, I start with literally me
Vini Jr sent the ball to another stratosphere just to save us 🇧🇷🐐
"I am a really good referee." Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid be like:
First time watching football. What did he mean by that?
Let's play a little game
We all know who 🤫
The worst Brazilian winger in the league
Went from 'It's Just Luck' to indirectly claiming Real Madrid 'Bought Refs'
Worst Celebration Ever
I prefer not to speak, if i speak I'm in big trouble.
Asian Cup 2027 Qualifers Group E is warfare
Outjerked by yamal fans
Teams who will fight in this group for Asian Cup 2027 Qualifiers 3rd round is a group of warfare.
Roy Keane Would Never
Oh baby!!! Imagine this lineup 🤩
Speed has 99 pace and 0 everything else
xQc ahhh real steel
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