What's the Most Unfair Elimination?
LF: Various 4 ♦️
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
the dilated pupils, the unmedicated chaos, the way she locked eyes on amber. somehow, she finessed her way past the pre-show psych eval and cemented herself as the most unhinged contestant in bgc history…ladies and gentlewoman, ailea.
Team Ashley or Team Hunter??
Vaccinating street dogs via blow-dart in Egypt
Hello, I would like to exchange these cards for an Arceus Ex.
Unluckiest Challenger…Continued
UPDATE: WHO do we think the mystery lady is Mark Long talked to?
Hilarious, my favorite ship
Who do we think it is? No
I like Orihime more than Yoruichi
How do you choose which pack to open ?
UPDATE: Company going to lose millions a month due to elections
LF: 3 💎 Genetic Apex
Ranking Every Traitor
UPDATE: TIFU by listening to Smosh without headphones
LF: Palkia, Dialga, Arceus, Gallade, Darkrai, Celebi 🍀
LF: Palkia ex or Gallade ex
LF Heatran 1⭐️or 3 💎
Looking for several 3 diamond cards 💎💎💎: Gardevoir, Lucario, Bastiodon, Heatran, Garchomp and Regigigas
Looking For (1st Picture) + Cards i can trade (2cnd Picture)
Is it good or not first god pack?
Was listening to Smosh earlier, kids heard, chaos ensued