I just got the game idk what the hell to do and I'm very confused please help (text below unrelated)
Rough Concepts - What Is Your Opinion On The Style?
I'm sorry, fuck you.
Rover Turret - Rail-Defense-System™ Is Now Functionally Air Tight With Auto Reloading
How do you guys do it?
Rover Turret - A Slightly Over Engineered Pop Up Rail-Defense-System™.
Day 20 of Adding Useless things to Minecraft
Hello, i need professional concept artist’s cristicisms on this piece, i know the values and edges are all messed up, but i cannot seems to get it right, i have spent whole week trying to adjust it to my liking but it keep looking flat, thought i would ask some tips here:
Do you have a "signature" in your builds?
Is there a block for this?
- Random Rainworld Concepts - (Created awhile ago, just now posting for view-ability.)
Could You Love A Worm?
The hobby station
One year sketchbook progress. Sep-2024 vs Sep-2023
How would you rate my sketches?
Total noob here, is such a thing even possible? (explain like I'm five)
I have completed dyson sphere !
Sorted Markers With Vertical Wall Holders, Since Normal Ones Took Up Too Much Space.
Be honest. What stops you from working like this?
Give Me Two Words to Make a Doodle Out of.
Digital artist practicing physical art. I'll be drawing requests in my style; characters, environments, objects, creatures ect...
I really need some advice!
The indomitable human spirit
Excalidraw plugin alternative for cropping?
I'm a 3D artist and I just figured out I can export my ships to OBJ. Meaning I can apply realistic lighting, animate it, and put it in almost any environment I want.