Looking For: Khangaskhan to complete Kanto dex Offering: Something you are looking for (Unregistered, 30 days trade only, CANT FLY)
I just wasted all of my luck for 2025
Looking for Top, Offering Guaranteed Lucky Pokemon below. Please read comment below
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo
Kyurem raids!! 6065 7228 3508
Last Chance Kyurems in Hawaii!! Doing as many as we can until they leave for good! 2 locals w pp - add 683972407023 or 589449199389.
Kurzem 561519961080
Remote Raid Megathread - Host and/or find raids here
Kyurem 531152191067
Black Kyurem 173080799649 Need like 5 pls
Holiday Giveaway Part 1 - Armoured Mewtwo [Giveaway No: 13]
I still can't believe this is real
Is this text an employment scam?
How does one get 200 Pokémons a day?
How do people in mcgill find people?
Giveaway: Giving away 5 ROT Dialga’s. Just because I was fortunate enough to get a lot and some of you wasn’t. Comment a random number between 1 and 999 and I’ll pick the winners using random.org in 24 hours. Title must contain looking for and offering of course.
Go Wild Area wasn't disappointing, just underwhelming.
Dynamax Toxtricity is soloable with a single Metagross
Is it going to be possible to get Roar of Time on Dialga o in the future?
How many courses do graduate students TA for per semester?
Where to find Slugma or Gulpin?
How strong is Palkia without Spacial Rend?
Demon Slayer: Hashira Training Arc - Episode 8 (FINALE) - Dub Available Now on Crunchyroll!
Difficulty in finding friends as Graduate Student