Is it even worth going to other Canadian subs anymore?
Mark Carney bills Canadians 300k on Jet Fuel. Net Zero btw
Is it possible for humans to diverge into two different species after years of evolution?
Why is Communism so attractive to some people?
Can wild birds learn human language?
Day travel to US
Smith takes swing at Carney — introduces bill to shield oil and gas from climate-obsessed Liberals
Conservatives launch petition urging Liberals to halt attack on religious, pro-life tax status
@GadSaad: "Dear @PierrePoilievre, we communicated privately for you to come on my show but I've not heard back from you. I truly think that the best way to win Canadians' votes is to ditch the consultants who might be wrongly advising you."
It’s 7:11am, the sun is rising and I can see the moon.
Can you sue your childhood abusers after growing up?
Do they have any mobile games that use your real life steps to progress in the game?
Is anyone else reconsidering or scared about travelling not just to the United States, but internationally anywhere outside of Canada in the next while?
Pierre Poilevere's X Post about Trump endorsing the Liberals.
Donald Trump says 'a Liberal' would be 'easier to deal with' than Pierre Poilievre
Why do we pay taxes?
Would humans still have evolved if the dinosaurs never went extinct?
What Did the JFK files say?
Why do American restaurants have kids menus?
Is it illegal to kill someone faking a surrender?
Anyone else overwhelmed with the amount of European countries with their own languages?
Trump admits he wants a liberal government!
How can people be so irrationally afraid of the US right now?
Did you grow up watching English or French-dubbed Disney movies?
Why aren't new cars required to have a Interlock built into the steering wheel so that there's less deaths from DUIs?