The instant replay for Joe's attempt on Sydney's life
Glass Cannon Live! | Ascension Part 2 | Into the Mistwood
Mythic Quest - S04E04 "The Villain's Feast" | Discussion
I'm probably stupid but need help with a bar chart
Isch over, Leute
Karl Lauterbach plant Cannabislegalisierung light | Zeit+ | Zusammenfassung in den Kommentaren
Heftiger Protest gegen Hogwarts Legacy entzündet sich auf Steam
Eggs (Steam Version), An Unhelpful James Hoffmann Summary
[OC] Giveaway! Hand-carved solid wood Dice Box Prototype :)
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves | Official Trailer (2023 Movie)
How to pitch D&D to s/o without any TTRPG knowledge
Some OC data crunching on the MBMBAM feed (more info in comments)
[Poetry] A Special Song Just For You
Looking for a Data Science Student
Bremer Platz Zukunft
[X-Post r/dndmemes] Anyone else feel weird about skinning and wearing a sapient creature?
Whats the best way to convert a matrix into a black and white image?
[Poetry] MandaloreGaming Elite Channel Trailer
A Redemption Paladin, a Swashbuckler Rogue, and a Totem Warrior Berserker
Finally RStudio has a stories feature! [OC]
[haiku] Frog With The Ginger Ale
Usidore‘s pre-roll ad
Question about writing packages.
Found this
Who's Talking in Popular Films: Dialogue Breakdown by Gender [OC]
Egggg [Haiku]