blursed dumpling
Man I hate this company
low effort shitpost
The Mitsuru-Special, available now (@ART3misVARIANT):
FeMC if she was in Persona 3 Reload (Art by @shiosakana1998)
Brainwashed Yukari By @GJH_1_
More art I posted on the Discord: Power Guy and Ballade
Simon Belmont (Simon’s Quest) Art by Me
New limited Tammarine or skin?
Upcoming Units
One Two Smile :)
Halt! This is the cute checkpoint. Post gacha character(s) so cute, you can't help but wanting to pinch their cheeks. Your game has one right?
Imagine if there was a detector that briefly flashed Luffy anytime someone said One Piece
I made an edit based on one VOD... and I am truly sorry...
Mega Man 1-6 Shuffler - When PG gets assaulted by monkaS
If you could change the codename of a Phantom Thief, what would it be?
Just me making this the whole Compile Heart Multiverse timeline
Who’s your most HATED viruses in all the BN games?
Which games have the most satisfying difficulty?
Devil's Nocturne (LotusBlackWing)
Nahobino maid / Art by Yhye_Yohaye
Phantom Thieves of Hearts Weapons & Skills
Hot take but
Ravi: Rainbow Rush Skin
Name the 1 unit you want to use but can't because He/she is dogwater