Summon your entire video game fanbase by using only one quote.
Be honest are you really over your ex?
Why do I feel awful by refusing to stay in touch with her
What song reminds you of them whenever you hear it?
Dont know about you but she is dead for me.
Would you move out to new city with best friend if the only thing holding you back was that you have an awesome good paying job?
I met with my first ex after 7 years
Hail of Blades Naafiri is sleeper op
you wanna get back with your ex til you get back with you ex lol
Missing LWIAY
I need a game I can get addicted to
What champ do you feel like you can beat anytime in lane phase?
Fps drops on pc
What are some games where everyone hates you?
I wish she hated me.
We got back together in semptember, now we've broken up again.
As of Friday, Naafiri's packmates on PBE no longer aggro minions
Had to sweat a lil to carry this game. Jhin wanted to ff15 and wukong did 6k dmg in 30minute game
What items/runes should I have gone against this comp?,
fuck yall
Game recs for a depressed 27 year old lady
Why does dogga get cc'd during W?
Naafiri goes jungle
Asol main here, want to learn nafi to play against enemie asol.
Do I really have to clear the dungeon again after losing to a boss?