If the new Super Vegito only lasts 1 turn, how broken will he be? Would this be good enough?
Is this good enough for Kid Buu's EZA?
Is this good enough for SSJ3 Goku's EZA?
PHY GT Goku EZA Idea
LR SSJ4 Goku, but he's released in 2024
SSG Trunks EZA Idea
LR Goku & Freeza SEZA Idea
Super Vegeta EZA Idea
TEQ Vegito Blue EZA2 (released in 2029)
Super-EZA for PHY Vegito Blue (feedback appreciated)
STR Gogeta, but he's released today with the same impact he had on the game
STR Super Vegito EZA, but it happens next week
EZA Idea for Beast Gohan's Dad (coming in a few days)
In 2 years time, I think these will be their EZA super attack effects
How would you feel if these are the LB SSJ4 Vegito details revealed tomorrow?
How would you feel if this was UI Goku's EZA?
How would you feel if this was Jiren's EZA?
Since his debut, SSJ4 Vegeta's anniversary representation has never dropped below 33% and is most often at 50%
How would you feel if this was Super Vegito's EZA? Too much? Or too little?
The Beastless Gohan Saga Continues
This is what I want LR GoBros EZA to be like
LR Thanos Concept - [Dokkan x Marvel Crossover]
STR Gogeta, but he's released today
LR UI Goku EZA Idea (for the 9th year anniversary)