I fixed my Commuter Backpack problem with another LTT product (not the Tech Sack)
The title changed from "these" to "Dangerous"
Why is filament measured in weight and not length?
TIL if you took all the gold ever mined and melted it into a single cube, it would be roughly 22m on each side
Thinner Prints Coming Out Like This?
What are you spending your $100k on?
100k/yr but you must ride a motorcycle instead of driving a car
Do I need tires
Printing guns with recycled water bottle filament.
Maybe I shot too low huh?
i might be the last wave 1 commuter backpack buyer
Wanting to start an urutau this year. Are there any parts I can buy rather than build?
looking to take my bike camping, want to know what style of tent this is
California Compliance is getting weird…
Lil piglet with custom buttstock for 18.5 " barrel
Would a drop fire 37mm be legal as a signaling device?
I’m using AI to learn about printing. Even AI knows what’s up 😂
Where is Linus taking bids for his ultimate sleeper PC
I took the wrap off of my tattoo and it left a pretty exact copy
First PETG print didn't go as planned
A simple tool that made it easy
I’m really bad with a dremel so made an adapter for my bad hole to be a good hole.
I'm too cheap to buy the $42 GHM9 charging handle from HB Industries so I decided to get a 3D printer for $600 and print my own charging handle for $0.039 LOL.
I'm too cheap to buy the $42 charging handle from HB Industries so I decided to get a 3D printer for $600 and print my own charging handle for $0.039 LOL.
‘Everything is more expensive’: Trump promised to lower grocery prices on Day One. What happened?
4S2P battery pack connected to 4S BMS outputting 12V