My key caps keep breaking so I replace them with random spare ones
My personal Soulsborne tierlist
Stealth required ahead
Atleast NG+5ed each, here's my updated list of my favourite weapons
Is Alonne's runback overhated?
What a spammer. (Demon's Souls - SL1 | Old King Allant (Hitless))
Am I the only one who loves writing down notes?
Blue Tearstone Ring is Useless so Here’s a Rework:
It's finally done! The GTR Stagea build is complete, no more sanding!
Drunk Souls Tonight. Anyone Need Any Help? Jolly Co-Operation? \[T]/
How to get more used to killing the same enemies each time you die?
Draw Dark Souls 1 by memory, part 4
What’s your preferred route?
Tanking the bosses.
deflect tear only blocks 100% physical, so it’s fun seeing what moves are worth deflecting and which aren’t. Sword Saint Isshina vs Morgott
Bought an e36 m3 on this fine Wednesday!
Lautrec Of Carim [Dark Souls 1]
Tested: Seven 2004 $35K Manual Sedans Compared
This is what blighttown does to a mf
I do a dex build and NOW I get it...
Barn find E30 M3, US Spec
Try finger
I've finally gone Hollow enough to do a SL1 run. Have you done it? How was yer experience?
What would your top 5 demons souls bosses look like
Favorite enemy?