You should not be able to bring starters in from the bullpen in co-op
Is there no undo hotkey? [dk2]
What will most likely still be around in 150 million years?
Every QB I play against in dynasty
Blackhawk Down Scenario
How to make the game run better
Did anyone else really enjoy the old animated look for renders in some of the older games? I wish they would bring these types of renders back to the current games!
Instant Recovery
Single Fire Zoom
The Choco Taco is gone for good
Realistic Sliders/Attributes - V1
WWE 2K22 Discussion & FAQ
Quick! State what you wish to be included in the game
Change truck color
No vaccine for racism
Reverts when Landing (Xbox)
Controller Settings (Sensitivity)
When it's not a PPV, people should lose matches to secondary finishers to add more psychology to matches.
Tonight felt like the writers of WWE video game story modes wrote the wedding.
Batista to be Inducted into the WWE HoF at WM 36
According to both Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez the issue with the drafted being spoiled on was due to the list being set to the social media/website staff and told to "alphabetize it" which wasn't done and so the list was posted as it was.
Ubisoft should make nights darker in Breakpoint
Currently building a house and wow... The artists in this game really came through with the lighting